
We build remote content teams

Comprehensive marketing solutions for technology driven businesses.

Helping innovative ideas meet focused content.

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Click. Search. Start
Configure your team on the go.
We have put together exceptional technical content writers, business analysts and technology experts. Our award-winning content writers augment your marketing efforts with state-of-the-art content that resonates with your technical audience.
Enhance visibility to drive ROI
We build your remote content teams which are ready to take on any challenging assignments around the globe. You can start working with our teams almost immediately. We help you grow your visibility and enhance your ROI. Increase your customer’s loyalty and lifetime value
Try our team with a free article trial
Pay nothing upfront and try our team with one free article as a trial. Pay us only after your 100% satisfied by the work done by our technical content writers.We take pride in being price sensitive while adding a high value for your growth.
Delivery Focused & Responsive.
We bring together the top 3% of business content writers & technical experts who address your content needs immediately. These teams create state of the art content and maintain a quick turnaround time so you can focus on your business
Create credibility and gain trust
Our content writers, experts and QA team helps you in showcasing your product knowledge. This in turn creates credibility with your customer-base. Our SEOs help in boosting your presence on the web
Give your brand a voice
We bring your brand alive with our unique content developers which supplements your marketing efforts. We help you in differentiating and establishing your brand & increasing customer demand
We have perfect solutions for your content needs.
Envision. Imagine. Deliver

Our Services

Short Form Articles
400-600 words focused articles. Blog optimized for SEOs
Long Form Articles
1000-1500 words specialized long form technical content
Knowledge Base Articles
1200-1500 words product specific, technology specific, platform specific
Your Success Stories
500-650 words to resonate your customer success
Digital-books & whitepaper
4000-6000 words Content which delivers confidence with technical decision makers
Product Solution Sheets
Battlecards and solution sheets to enhance sale convertions 500-650 words
Product Demo Documentation
Deeply technical product guides for hands-on users
We create all types of technical content solutions based on your specific needs. Let’s connect and discuss
Efficient. Effective. Focused

We are community of top of content writers.

Converting technical and geeky content into an easy to read and enjoyable format is our forte. This drives your brand image across your customer base, enhances technical know-how of your products and position your services for growth. Consider us your extended marketing arm.

We create a unique balance
Diverse technological platform know-how
Our teams have comprehensive understanding of emerging teknowlogies. We hire the best talent from arrays of disciplines, universities which includes computer science, engineering, technology experts, sales, branding and marketing experts
Focused & Engaging Content
Focus content that is relevant to your audience and diverse outcome
Value For Money
We have built our expertise in putting together diverse content teams who have the ability to create and envision and engaging content based on your needs while ensuring we provide the best price while adding a value to your business
Hiring the top 2%

You manage the tech. We manage content.

We find, hire and train the top technical content talent as you can focus on your business goals. Our content teams are ready to take your assignment from day 1.
  • Sourcing
  • Recruitment
  • Onboarding
  • Reviews
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Courses
  • Seminars
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Why Us

Thousands of new products and services are being released into the market every day. As the market becomes crowded with similar products and services, a company’s brand becomes the most important asset enabling it to differentiate itself and increase customer demand. For companies that are geared towards regional or global branding, developing a brand strategy, which is differentiated and in line with customer expectations and built upon the company’s strengths, is becoming more important. This interns require the development of focused and comprehensive content which differentiate your products and services and helps you in retaining your customer.

Having a differentiated brand strategy is not enough to maintain long-term sustainability. To make a brand stronger than ever and to maintain sustainable brand values, companies need to build up a well-defined content management structure as well.

Brands can exist as long as they can transfer their content to the market in a consistent, continuous, and coherent manner. It is critical that the consumer fully understand and is aware of organization goals, objectives, its technological platforms, and its differentiating factor. Developing these factors into an easy to understand content thus becomes critical. In most cases the organizations do not have an in-house built capability to address this vital component. LUCID teknow helps organizations in bridging this gap.

We become your critical component in developing brand value map which helps you in creating content structural framework for revealing the real factors influencing your brand value and develops a brand into a powerful mega house.

LUCID teknow support the creation of powerful content which supplements your brand image. We hire the best 2% of talent in the industry. We have the technical capabilities and know-how to fully understand diverse technical platforms and help you in creating content which resonates with your customers.

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